Adult Classes | Tan'Gun Academy
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Let's Get Started

As you can see from the video, we have a healthy blend of ages with both male and female participants.

This is a mixed ability class, but we usually focus in on specific grades in order to get the best from each student.

Students who have trained with us often report of 

  • Weight loss

  • Better muscle tone

  • Increased flexibility

  • Increased happiness & confidence

Tan'Gun Adults typically enter the programme at Beginners Certificate level with no experience, but if you have experienced a martial art within the past 10 years we will be happy to assess you according to grade.

Beginners Classes For Adults

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 7pm

Saturday and Sunday 11:15am

Sign Up now to take advantage of our £29.99 Two Week Try Out Pass

Awesome... We will be in touch soon.
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